The FOCUS Living Well Together Resource

Understanding and implementing dynamic integration in practice and programming

As  millions of refugees are fleeing war in Ukraine, supporting integration in Europe will become ever more relevant. FOCUS has just launched its Living Well Together Resource, a guide to help policy makers, civil society organisations and communities understand important dimensions of dynamic integration and how to implement them in practice and programming.

The Living Well Together Resource features the FOCUS Approach to Dynamic Integration, a practical framework to strengthen existing promising integration practices and support the development of new ones. The Approach was developed based on an extensive mapping of relations between receiving and arriving communities, a literature review and key informant interviews, and refined using findings from the FOCUS multi-site field research.

The FOCUS Approach is illustrated by five case studies providing examples for how its various dimensions might be implemented in practice. The case studies were designed and conducted by five FOCUS implementing partners in Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Austria and the United Kingdom using principles of participatory action research.

To dive deeper, the Living Well Together Resource links to selected references and hands-on guidance produced both within and outside of FOCUS.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 822401.

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